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How to Adjust to New Glasses

What’s normal?

If you have an updated prescription with your new glasses, you may notice some dizziness or balance issues. This is normal, and it may take up to a week for this feeling to go away. It will be tempting to switch back to your old pair for some relief, but this will only make it harder to adjust. So please try not to do that! 

A helpful piece of advice is to not plan for any long-distance travelling or major life plans right after your eye exam. Keep things calm for a week or so after you get your new glasses in order to prevent unnecessary stress. 

When to do something about it

If you’ve had your new glasses for a week and have worn them consistently but are still experiencing discomfort, please reach out to our customer service team at They will look over everything with your order and recommend any changes or if you should see your eye doctor for an Rx tweak.  

A person holding a glass of wine Description automatically generated with low confidence
Your new frames may take some getting used to

Could it be the frame?

If you recently changed to a new style, you may need time to get used to your new frame. Frames with thick rims or those with translucent acetate rims often have a different viewing perspective than other rim types. If you know that you are not able to adapt to a certain amount of frame disruption in your peripherals, you may want to stay away from particularly small or thick rimmed frames. 

What about lens material?

There are certain types of lenses that can take some getting used to. Particularly with Polarized lenses, you will notice that digital screens look distorted when wearing these lenses. This is normal, as polarization eliminates horizontal glare. This is great for fishing but not so great for looking at a smartphone. 

Different types of eyeglass lenses

Tips for progressives

If you are new to multi focal lenses (progressives or lined bifocals), these can require an even longer adaptation period. While they are super-convenient for every day use, you will need to learn your own personal technique for switching between fields of vision. The most important lesson with progressives lenses is that you will need to move your head in order to see objects in your peripheral vision. You can’t only move your eyes). This is due to the areas of peripheral soft vision which are inherent in a progressive lens. 

When it comes to lined bifocals, the most common issue you will see is known as “image jump”. This happens when switching between distance and near vision in the lens, and it can be quite disorienting. You will most likely adapt to this aspect of lined bifocals. If you can’t, then a progressive lens would be something to consider. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns with your new glasses, please reach out to our customer experience team and they will be happy to help you with best practices for adapting to your new glasses.